
让自己沉浸在与注册会计师进化模型相一致的课程中, ensuring that you are fully prepared for the CPA exam and your future career. Our experienced professors will guide you through comprehensive 课程 that delve into the latest accounting practices and theories. 最重要的是, we have streamlined our program so that you can earn your master's degree in just one year.

学分 30
每学分成本 $690

$1000s in new scholarships exclusively for adult and post-traditional learners.


秋天 & spring 课程 are in 8-week sessions, and summer 课程 are in 6-week sessions.

问题? 我们是来帮忙的

Our team is available to help you as you consider the next step in your education.


我们的团队随时准备为您提供更多的项目细节, 财政援助选择, 以及招生问题.


The 会计学硕士 is designed to equip you with the necessary skills for a successful career in public accounting in just 12 months through our 100%的在线 课程. 毕业后, 你将具备财务会计方面的专业知识, 税收, 审计, 和分析, and will be able to navigate complex ethical decisions with a Christian perspective. 我们的课程结构与注册会计师进化模型课程保持一致, 有效地为你准备注册会计师考试的四个部分.

Enhance your accounting knowledge and select a concentration that meets your career goals and interests.

  • 业务分析和报告           
  • 信息系统 & 控制
  • 税收遵从 & 规划
  • 8周在线课程
  • 本课程的多个开课日期为秋季、春季和夏季
  • 全年都有录取
  • 最多可转18个研究生学分
  • 一名学术顾问被分配给你
  • 不需要GRE或GMAT申请

请注意, 因为注册会计师认证的教育要求因州而异, we make no determination about whether this program meets the requirements for CPA certification in a student’s particular state. 鼓励学生联系NASBA以获得最终决定.


  • The heart of this program is how it seamlessly integrates theoretical learning with practical skills. 该计划的基石是致力于以十大赌博官网排行为基础的教育. This has enhanced my grasp of accountancy and instilled a heightened sense of ethical responsibility and compassion in my professional pursuits. 坚定十大赌博官网排行, this perspective adds unparalleled depth to my journey as an aspiring forensic accountant.

    汉娜罗德里格斯 / 2023年12月毕业
  • I would recommend Concordia’s MSA program to anyone interested in pursuing a professional career in accounting. 我能够在没有任何会计知识的情况下进入这个项目. I have received a great amount of support from my professors and fellow students.

    劳拉Kazmer / 当前的学生

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